Following the Star

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Following the Star

I attended the inaugural sermon of my BFF who just graduated from college and immediately accepted assignment as pastor of a small rural church. The small sanctuary exuded with excitement as everyone entered this special Sunday, the first of the New Year and of her new ministry. Her friends and family alone nearly doubled attendance for this significant service. Emily is obviously a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air to the congregation she serves. I was impressed, amazed and enlightened by the structure of her message and the calming personal presence she poured over her new congregation.

It was Epiphany Sunday and the title of her sermon was Following the Star. She revealed that the three Wise men who followed the star to Bethlehem were just that; wise men. They were not actually kings as we have heard through hymns, but ordinary men with a faith so firm they were willing to follow the star where ever it led them.

I remember her telling me years ago and along the way of her amazing journey: ‘this is not a career move, it is definitely a calling!’ She shared in her sermon how she felt the nudge from the Holy Spirit over two decades ago, when her youngest daughter (now 23) was only a baby. Much like Moses, she tried to ignore it, insisting that she was not worthy of such a significant assignment. But she committed herself, investing countless hours volunteering in every facet of church life in the church we grew up attending together. She attended college part time for over a decade, while working full time and raising two beautiful daughters, and making her mark as a youth minister for many years. I was amazed along the way, and couldn’t figure out how she did it. But now it is obvious to everyone how her strong faith, far greater than fear, laid a firm foundation for her to follow. Not that it was ever easy, and the roads were not always well marked, but her consistent discipline, discernment and desire led her to a place where she is at peace and knows she belongs. God has always offered her an avenue for shining His light through her life and she has consistently committed to embracing every one.

We all have a star to follow; unfortunately it doesn’t usually shine so brightly or lead us so directly to our final destination. Of course, it’s the journey, not the destination that makes life meaningful, but if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there! And there you will be, wondering where to go next.

As we enter a New Year, and many set New Year’s resolutions, only to abandon them within weeks, make a commitment to follow your star, wherever it takes you. Develop a firm faith to counter the fear that always comes with pursuing our purpose with passion. You will be glad you did!

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