Chasing Rainbows

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Chasing Rainbows

My elementary aged friends came for a visit recently while their mom took well deserved time away to play in a tennis tournament. I offered to go to their house, but they were ecstatic to be in our environment, complete with pets to feed and care for. The girls have an amazing way of making magic out of the mundane, turning everyday activities into exciting adventures. From walking the dog, to watering flowers, cracking Christmas nuts to splashing in the spa, everything was whimsical and full of wonder for them.

The glee of their giggles made me giddy as they chased rainbows around the room, projected by the prism perched in the window. Simplicity and sunshine cascaded colors everywhere and they danced with delight as they dove for them!

It reminded me of the imaginary rainbows we ‘paint ‘with our arms in our workout at the Y. It’s part of the cool down as we end our workout and transition back to life in the fast lane. I always envision the colors as I wave my arms from floor to the sky, stretching my mind, body and spirit.

I prayed for children of my own for many years to no avail. The longer I have been child free, the more I appreciate the wisdom of a power much greater than me. I still enjoy children, and being a kid myself. I revel in the relationships I have with youth of all ages, both literally and figuratively! There is a kid in all of us; it just gets squelched sometimes by routine and adult responsibility.

Even though she is only six, I was still a bit embarrassed when Chloe followed me into the ‘junk room’ where I store all the things that have no designated space. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she excitedly exclaimed, ‘WOW! It’s the toy room! She quickly spotted both pairs of silly sunglasses, and she and her sister immediately put them on, proudly parading their new look for the rest of the day.

We splashed in the spa for hours, enjoying each other’s company, playing with non-technical toys like plastic cups and rubber balls. We were wilted from over exposure to water, but no one seemed to care. It was an adventure, and we were all appreciative of the diversion in our day. Even a simple bowl of ice cream, complete with fresh raspberries, seemed like something special for us to share.

When was the last time you chased a rainbow? Take time today to make memories in the midst of minutiae and find the adventure in everyday activities! If you find this challenging, just invite a child along!

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